de la Vallée de l'Aumance
Newsfeed 2016
Merry Christmas!
December 25, 2016
Have a holly jolly merry corgilicious Christmas!
First herding experience for Lancelot and Leïka
May 7 & 8, 2016
We are very happy to announce you that 2 more puppies out of our first litter have been declared "proven" herding dogs.
We organised a crogi herding weekend for the 2nd time,
and Lancelot and Leïka came, tried out, and adopted this activity immediatly!
One very proud breeder, with many thanks to the owners!
1st Obedience Trial for Quarrel
April 9, 2016
At his first Obedience Trial,
Lovely Quarrel King de la Vallée de l'Aumance placed 1st with 98 out of 105 points!
He can now move on to the next class, class C, and start preparing for his "brevet"!
Lily's first herding try-out!
March 20, 2016
Lily Dancing Queen de la Vallée de l'Aumance had her first contact with sheep.
This first experience went really well, and she surprised her owner by showing her instincts and her natural herding behaviour.
To be continued, for sure!
French Clubshow and Breed Specialty 2016
March 19 & 20, 2016
At the French Annual Corgi Clubshow, we obtained following results:
Cymraeg Ci Jazz King: 2 Exc in Champion Class
Lancelot King of my Castle de la Vallée de l'Aumance: BOS Junior
Cymraeg Ci Lullaby: 3VG in Open Class
Lily Dancing Queen de la Vallée de l'Aumance: 2VG in Junior Class
At the Breed Specialty show, the day afterwards:
Lancelot King of my Castle de la Vallée de l'Aumance: 2 Exc in Junior Class
A big thank you to Lancelot's and Lily's owners for coming over and representing our kennel!
International Dogshow Genk, Belgium
March 12, 2016
At her first show in Junior Class,
Lily Dancing Queen de la Vallée de l'Aumance takes it all!
She's BOB Junior, BOS and qualifies for Crufts 2017!!
Daddy Jazz finishes 1st Exc in Open Class.